Why You Should Become a Traffic Controller | Edway Training

Why Become A Traffic Controller With Edway

Traffic Controller With Edway

Traffic controllers don’t get nearly enough credit for the hard work they do to ensure you stay safe on your journey. They are often the unseen heroes on our roads, aiding in congested traffic, busy intersections, and manoeuvring through construction work. It is still a highly sought-after job, and with certified traffic control training, you can make it a fully-fledged career.

Importance of Traffic Controllers

It can be incredibly frustrating and unnerving to be stuck in traffic when you have places to be and things to do, but that is why it is so incredibly important to follow the instructions of the traffic controllers along the way. Not only are they professionally trained to direct and control traffic, but they also understand how important it is to keep the traffic moving so you can get to where you need to be.

If you’ve ever witnessed a car accident, you’ll know just how spine-chilling it is, but that’s why traffic controllers are deployed when roadworks are underway: to prevent accidents from happening.

We don’t want to see motorists driving into ditches or swerving off the side of the road because they weren’t paying attention to the road signs warning them of upcoming obstructions. Instead, we train people to be the best traffic controllers possible, making motorists, fellow workers, and other road users aware so they can arrive at their destination in one piece.

Effective Training with Edway

Have you ever thought you would be certified for something in only eight hours? That’s only half your day, and before you know it, you’re a qualified traffic controller. Our traffic control training course takes no more than a day to complete, and thereafter, you’ll be issued a VIC traffic control card.

Just remember to keep your card on you at all times, along with a valid traffic controller’s statement of attainment, so you can work without objection.

If you would like to work in an industry with a purpose, this course may be for you. Visit our website to enrol in our traffic control training today or learn more about our other programmes.