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RCG Course Sydney

Provide Responsible Gambling Services training (also known as NSW RCG course) is designed to qualify gambling industry employees to promote safety in an establishment where gambling occurs. It provides the basic details of working in a gambling environment and how to anticipate and prevent problems.


Includes NSW RCG competency card fee


6 hours


Sydney CBD


Seven Hills

Mona Vale

RCG Course Sydney

Provide Responsible Gambling Services

Provide Responsible Gambling Services

Course CODE


RCG training course is delivered and statements of attainment are issued by Edway Training Pty Ltd (RTO No 91401)

Edway Training is approved by L&GNSW and accredited by the Australian Skills and Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver this training course.

Edway Training

RTO № 91401

Edway Training

RTO № 91401

nationally recognised training

Interim Certificate
issued within 24hrs

plastic card icon

Digital Competency
Card Available

V Icon

Liquor & Gaming NSW

RCG Course Information

  • RCG training is required for all licensees and staff whose job responsibilities are related to gaming machines and gambling process.
  • RCG course should be undertaken only if you have never done this course before or your competency card expired more than 28 days ago. If you have a valid RCG competency card or it has expired recently, you need to do a L&GNSW online refresher course.
  • On successful completion of your RCG course, L&GNSW will send you the link and log-in details to complete the mandatory L&GNSW online RCG assessment.
  • The assessment comprises of 30 multiple choice, True/False and scenario-based questions. You need to score 100% to pass and have unlimited attempts to pass. The assessment is expected to take 20 minutes to complete.
  • An RCG Interim certificate is valid for 90 days after which you must use an RCG competency card to work in the industry.
  • Students should apply for a RCG competency card by themselves in Service NSW centre after completing a course successfully and receiving an interim certificate.
  • RCG competency cards are valid for 5 years. After that a refreshment is required.
  • This course supersedes and is equivalent to SITHGAM001 qualification.
Things You Didn't Know About RCG Training in Sydney
Registered Training Organisation

Course details

Certificate of Completion

What will you receive

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive:

  • Liquor & Gaming NSW RCG Interim Certificate.
  • National RCG Statement of Attainment (recognised as an RCG qualification in the NT, WA, SA, QLD and Tasmania).

What will you learn

RCG training covers topics such as the impact of problem gambling on individuals, families and the community, key government agencies, harm minimisation provisions of the gambling laws, legislative provisions for responsible gambling, minors and proof of age, offences and penalties, statutory and other gaming signage, self-exclusion schemes, strategies for preventing underage gambling, importance of advising patrons of assistance available to problem gamblers, implementation of House Policies and industry codes of practice, understanding duty of care, alcohol and gambling.

RCG training course consists of PowerPoint presentation, class activities, videos and a final assessment.
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How to get your RCG card

To receive your competency card, you will need to:

  • Complete the course successfully, complete the L&GNSW RCG assessment and receive an NSW RCG interim certificate
  • Take your RCG interim certificate and 100 points of identification (see details on the back side of the certificate)
  • Visit the closest Service NSW centre to order your competency card
  • The competency card will be posted to you within 4 weeks
  • You can also access your digital licence
Certificate of Completion

What will you receive

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive:

  • Liquor & Gaming NSW RCG Interim Certificate.
  • National RCG Statement of Attainment (recognised as an RCG qualification in the NT, WA, SA, QLD and Tasmania).


What will you learn

RCG training covers topics such as the impact of problem gambling on individuals, families and the community, key government agencies, harm minimisation provisions of the gambling laws, legislative provisions for responsible gambling, minors and proof of age, offences and penalties, statutory and other gaming signage, self-exclusion schemes, strategies for preventing underage gambling, importance of advising patrons of assistance available to problem gamblers, implementation of House Policies and industry codes of practice, understanding duty of care, alcohol and gambling.

RCG training course consists of PowerPoint presentation, class activities, videos and a final assessment.

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How to get your RCG card

To receive your competency card, you will need to:

  • Complete the course successfully, complete the L&GNSW RCG assessment and receive an NSW RCG interim certificate
  • Take your RCG interim certificate and 100 points of identification (see details on the back side of the certificate)
  • Visit the closest Service NSW centre to order your competency card
  • The competency card will be posted to you within 4 weeks
  • You can also access your digital licence


When booking a course, online payment is required

This payment method ONLY applies to companies and employment agencies.

A valid Purchase Order / Authority to Invoice MUST be submitted prior to the day of training.

For more information, please refer to the ‘Invoice Payment Procedure’ section of the confirmation email or read our Invoice Payment Method Terms section.


Course requirements

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Participants must provide one form of photo I.D. (e.g. passport, Australian driver’s licence, proof of age card, student card).

Please note only an international passport is accepted as a non-Australian document.
All other forms of I.D. must be issued in Australia.

if participants do not provide a valid form of I.D.

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Participants should arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the course to complete the necessary registration paperwork.

if participants arrive 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time.

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LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy)

The basic understanding, reading and writing of English is required.

As part of our pre-training review all students are required to complete an LLN assessment to determine a student’s eligibility for enrolment into their selected course.

All students enrolling into any Edway Training courses must have LLN skills to do simple calculations, understand English well enough to be able to read, write, and provide verbal responses to questions in English to undertake training and assessment in any of our courses.

For further information on student support services please refer to the Student Handbook.


Unique Student Identifier (USI)

All participants MUST provide their USI.

If you do not have a USI, please create one here

STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT WILL NOT BE ISSUED if a participant does not provide a valid USI.

Course-requirement-icon 1


Participants must provide one form of photo I.D. (e.g. passport, Australian driver’s licence, proof of age card, student card).

Please note only an international passport is accepted as a non-Australian document.
All other forms of I.D. must be issued in Australia.

if participants do not provide a valid form of I.D.

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Participants should arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the course to complete the necessary registration paperwork.

if participants arrive 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time.

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LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy)

The basic understanding, reading and writing of English is required.

As part of our pre-training review all students are required to complete an LLN assessment to determine a student’s eligibility for enrolment into their selected course.

All students enrolling into any Edway Training courses must have LLN skills to do simple calculations, understand English well enough to be able to read, write, and provide verbal responses to questions in English to undertake training and assessment in any of our courses.

For further information on student support services please refer to the Student Handbook.


Unique Student Identifier (USI)

All participants MUST provide their USI.

If you do not have a USI, please create one here

STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT WILL NOT BE ISSUED if a participant does not provide a valid USI.

Course-requirement-icon 1


Participants must provide one form of photo I.D. (e.g. passport, Australian driver’s licence, proof of age card, student card).

Please note only an international passport is accepted as a non-Australian document.
All other forms of I.D. must be issued in Australia.

if participants do not provide a valid form of I.D.
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Participants should arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the course to complete the necessary registration paperwork.

if participants arrive 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time.
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LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy)

The basic understanding, reading and writing of English is required.

As part of our pre-training review all students are required to complete an LLN assessment to determine a student’s eligibility for enrolment into their selected course.

All students enrolling into any Edway Training courses must have LLN skills to do simple calculations, understand English well enough to be able to read, write, and provide verbal responses to questions in English to undertake training and assessment in any of our courses.

For further information on student support services please refer to the Student Handbook.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

All participants MUST provide their USI.

If you do not have a USI, please create one here

STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT WILL NOT BE ISSUED if a participant does not provide a valid USI.

Book a Course

155 – 159 William Street, DARLINGHURST NSW 2010
34/195 Prospect Highwa, SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147
Mona Vale Bowling Club, 1598 Pittwater Road, MONA VALE NSW 2103
Level 3, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Need help with a course?

Unable to attend, chose the wrong date, the wrong course, didn’t fit requirements? We will help you fix it!

Group Bookings

Bookings for Group Training
Book for Group Training

Edway Training is a well-established, Australian based short courses training provider. We specialise in courses for construction, health and hospitality



There is no age requirement for attending an RCG training. However, you are not allowed to work in the gaming and gambling industry until you are 18 years old.

If you were unsuccessful in RCG test, you will have to attend a full course once again. You will receive an email notification within 24 hrs with information on how and when you can participate in a class (an extra change is applied for taking a second attempt).

You do not need to attend a face-to-face training if your RCG competency card expired less than 28 days ago. Your licence can be renewed online by completing a L&GNSW refresher course. However,  if you did not update your licence within this period, you need to do a face-to-face course once again. Please find the details on how to renew your card on a Service NSW website.



No. A course price includes a fee for your competency card. All you need to do is just take an interim certificate and 100 points of I.D. and apply for an RCG competency card in any Service NSW centre.

If your certificate is expired you are not allowed to work using this certificate. To continue working in the gaming industry you must hold an RCG competency card. Even if the certificate is expired, you can still use it to apply for the competency card in Service NSW centre

After a successful completion of the training, an interim RCG certificate will be emailed to you within 24 hrs. Then, you will need to apply for a competency card by yourself within the next 90 days. Take the certificate along with 100 points of I.D. (find the details on the certificate) to the closest Service NSW office. A plastic card will be posted to your residential address.

For more information on how to apply for a competency card please refer to a Service NSW webpage.

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