Crucial First Aid Tips To Save A Choking Baby

Important First Aid Tips To Save A Choking Baby

Taking care of babies can be nerve-wracking when you’re not sure how to keep them safe. A curious child has the tendency to put things in their mouth, which is very dangerous. But what should you do in case an infant starts to choke? Here are some important first aid tips that will save a choking baby.

First Aid Tips to Save Choking Baby

One of the most important things in childcare first aid is to identify a choking baby. You will be able to tell if the child is in trouble if they are unable to cry or cough. Moreover, the infant does not make any noise and is having difficulty breathing. Once this happens, you must act quickly to dislodge any blockage in their airway.

Giving Back Blows

Hold the baby face-down on your thigh, making sure that their head is lower than their bottom. Make sure to support their head while holding them in this position. Hit the child firmly on the back between the shoulder blades to dislodge the blockage. You may give up to five back blows.

Back Blows Not Working? Give Chest Thrusts

 If the blockage is still not dislodged, turn the infant over so they are now facing upwards. Put two fingers in the middle of their chest below the nipples and push sharply downwards. You may only repeat the chest thrusts five times. Do not forget to call Triple Zero 000 for emergency help.

Are you ready to learn the proper first aid for a choking baby? Contact Edway Training. They offer Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting HLTAID004 in Darlinghurst and Seven Hills. Book today and be ready to save your child.

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