Important Poisoning First Aid Tips You Need To Remember

Important Poisoning First Aid Sydney Tips You Need To Remember

Poisoning First Aid Tips You Need To Remember

Poisoning can be a serious matter since it could happen at any time. This is why it is important to act quickly when someone comes in contact with any poison and needs poisoning first aid sydney. But do you know what to do in case of poisoning first aid sydney? Here are important first aid tips you need to remember.

What to Do if Poison is Swallowed

Most people believe that you need to get the poison out as soon as possible. However, this can be risky as it could potentially damage the throat and make matters worse. Do not induce vomiting on the patient. Take note of the poison that was swallowed then call Triple Zero (000) right away.

What to Do if Poison Comes In Contact with Skin

If the poison gets on your skin, you need to prevent it from spreading further. Carefully remove clothing that has been contaminated, making sure to avoid contact with the substance. You must then flood the affected area with cool running water and contact emergency services.

What to Do if Poison Gets Into Your Eye

Getting poison in your eye can be terrifying but you need to act calmly. First, you must flood the eye with cool running water for about 15 minutes. Make sure to take note of the poison by taking a photo of the label or bringing the bottle with you if it is safe. Contact emergency services to report the poisoning.

It is important to remember these first aid tips in case of poisoning. Are you interested in getting the proper training for such emergencies? Edway Training offers Provide First Aid HLTAID003 courses in Sydney CBD and Liverpool NSW. Book today and be ready for any dangerous situation.