Dog Bite First Aid You Should Remember in Sydney

Dog Bite First Aid You Need To Remember in Sydney

There is little doubt that most people find puppies irresistible and would be eager to play with the furry cuties. Unfortunately, a playful nip or the wrong move can lead to unexpected injuries. So what is the first thing you need to do in case of a dog bite first aid Sydney? Take note of these important first aid tips to prepare for emergencies in Sydney.

What Causes Dogs To Bite Someone?

There are several reasons why dogs will attack a person. There are times when the animal is scared or feels threatened and will defend itself. A canine who is in pain may also become aggressive. It is also possible that the dog is suffering from an illness like rabies.

How to Manage a Dog Bite First Aid Sydney?

So what should you do in case of a dog bite? Here are some first aid tips you’ll need for emergencies in Sydney.

  • Cover the injury in a clean towel. This will stop further bleeding.
  • Wash the wound and apply an antibacterial ointment.
  • Make sure to keep the injured area elevated.
  • Contact Triple Zero 000 if the injury is in the neck, face, hand, or head.

The best way to prevent a dog bite is to avoid growling animals that are showing aggression. It is also best to observe the dogs before approaching. Remember not to make any sudden movements that might make the canine feel threatened. You need to keep a safe distance from dogs that you are meeting for the first time.

Do you want to be prepared for a dog bite or similar injuries? Edway Training offers Provide First Aid HLTAID003 courses in Sydney CBD and Seven Hills NSW. Book today and be ready for all types of emergencies.

Please Note: We have a maximum of 10 students per class and practising social distancing requirements of students being no closer than 1.5 metres from each other.