Apprenticeships & Jobs For School Leavers

Apprenticeships And Jobs For School Leavers

Apprenticeships And Jobs For School Leavers

It’s about this time of the year, we have a lot of enquiries about pathways to apprenticeships and jobs for school leavers.

Only your careers teacher, or mum and dads can give you advice about if you’re best to stay at school or begin looking for work

But we can tell you which of our short training courses could improve your chances of finding jobs for school leavers or apprenticeships.

White Card Training

White Card Accreditation is a needed by anyone who is working on a construction site. And this can apply to not only big city construction sites, but also house building, home improvement and extensions, road constructions, and all other building sites as well.

So, if you’re planning on applying for an construction apprenticeships or any of the other construction jobs for school leavers available – you need to be carrying a White Card to prove you’ve successfully passed all units of Site Induction Training.  For more information, click here.

Traffic Controller

Once you have gained your White Card, a relatively well paid job for school leavers is holding a stop/slow sign. No more stuck inside, this is a job for those who love being outdoors and being physically active. To find out more about the Traffic Control course, click here.

First Aid

No matter what apprenticeships or any of the other jobs for school leavers you apply for, nearly all prospective employers look favourably on young  adults who have First Aid accreditation on their CV. Having First Aid certification demonstrates maturity and a willingness to take a further step.  If you would like to find out more about Edway’s First Aid Training, click here.

Childcare First Aid

One of the many jobs for school leavers who love kids is Childcare. It is mandatory for all Childcare employees to also be qualified with their Childcare First Aid Certification. Childcare First Aid is different to the Provide First Aid training; techniques studied are specially aimed at children and infants.  For more information, click here.

All of these four courses take between 6 and 8 hours with breaks included, and instructors use a variety of training techniques, including demonstrations and face-to-face explanations.

All of the courses mentioned are a good place to start when you’re looking for apprenticeships or any of the other jobs for school leavers. But, these are just some of the training courses we offer, for any more information, contact us, one of our friendly team members can provide all the Course information you need.

Call us nationally on our 1300 663 350 hotline, like us on Facebook, Email, or simply fill out the form on our Contact Page

This blog is general in nature and is ONLY meant to give readers an overview of the subject matter. Do NOT rely on this information for your specific needs. If you are planning to attend one of Edway’s Courses we highly recommend that you talk to professional recruiters in the specific industry or organisation you are seeking to enter  to advise on their SPECIFIC requirements.