Be Aware Of These Common Hazards & Don’t Let Them Happen To You

Safe Work Australia provides an annual report with key statistics on workplace related fatalities and injuries. These are the most common workplace accidents that require time off work and the best way to avoid them:

1.Muscular stress while lifting or handling objects.

This injury is by far the most regular workplace injury in Australia, with Safe Work reporting in 2015 that close to 40 percent of time off is for this reason.


Muscular stress can be avoided if staff have the right training and supervision. In the construction industry in particular, all workers must have a white card confirming they understand workplace hazards and know how to handle objects safely.


2. Falls

Nobody should work at heights without the proper training and safety equipment. While statistics are improving, around six percent of people are still injured at work after falling from a height.


Between 10 and 15 percent of those who have time off work have simply tripped over something. To reduce the risk of this happening, a Workplace Health and Safety officer should encourage all staff to maintain a tidy environment with no tripping hazards.


3. Mental stress

Overwork and issues like bullying cause mental stress, an issue that is responsible for more than five percent of employee time off work.


To reduce workplace stress, employers should encourage regular breaks and hold catch-ups with their staff to make sure they are not feeling weighed down or pressured by the people around them.

4. General muscular stress

Even sitting at a desk can result in injury. Workers report lower back pain and problems like carpal tunnel syndrome due to ergonomically unfriendly workspaces.


Qualified inspectors can carry out checks of workstations and make recommendations to minimise the risk of general muscular stress caused by repetitive activities.

5. Being hit by falling objects

While falling objects cause less than five percent of serious workplace injuries, it is the second cause of fatalities at work (after vehicle accidents).


Wearing the correct safety gear and following WHS procedures at all times will reduce the likelihood of such an incident.


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Edway Training is one of Australia’s largest registered providers of White Card and First Aid training. Please follow the links to find out more about the relevant courses:

White Card NSW
White Card VIC

First Aid NSW
First Aid VIC