Points to Know Before Enrolling In A Non-Friable Asbestos Course
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What You Need To Know Before Enrolling In A Non-Friable Asbestos Course


A non-friable asbestos course teaches the fundamentals of identifying and removing non-friable asbestos in a given environment. Non-friable asbestos refers to a form of asbestos that has been hardened by exposure to various chemicals or combined with other solid substances such as concrete. As a result, it cannot be pulverised, crumbled or turned to dust.

Although non-friable asbestos is less likely to release harmful asbestos fibres into the air, any amount of asbestos dust poses a health risk, which is why the appropriate training and certification are required for identifying and removing asbestos materials.

Although asbestos has been banned in Australia for more than a decade, the risks of asbestos exposure are most significant in the home renovation industry, especially in older homes or buildings. This is because renovations could lead to unknown exposure, putting workers and potential buyers at risk. This is why accredited non-friable asbestos courses are critical in reducing the risks of exposure and handling of asbestos-containing materials.

Visit Edway Training today to learn more about our non-friable asbestos course!

The Best Approach To Asbestos Removal. 

In Australia, the majority of homes built from the mid-1980s to 1990 contain asbestos materials, rendering these properties hazardous for residential purposes. However, when these properties undergo construction and renovation, workers are susceptible to direct exposure to asbestos particles, therefore putting their health at risk.

So, while ridding our homes of asbestos is important, it is a hazardous job that requires professional attention and training. This is where a non-friable asbestos course proves valuable, assisting the appropriate identification and removal procedures without harming yourself or the environment around you.

What Do You Need To Be Eligible For A Non-Friable Asbestos Course? 

If you are interested in qualifying to be an asbestos removal specialist, you will need to meet certain criteria to participate in Edway’s non-friable asbestos course. First, let’s discuss the prerequisites of this course:

  • Participants must hold a Work Safely in the Construction Industry qualification. Upon arrival at the course, participants must present their current white card.
  • Unique student identifier. All participants undertaking vocational education and training courses must present their USI.
  • Participants must present at least one form of identification, typically an ID document or valid driver’s license.

The Edway Training non-friable asbestos course is accredited by the Australian Skills and Quality Authority, offering participants a valuable certification to further their career aspirations. Businesses and individuals can benefit from attending our course, so schedule your group or individual course bookings today!

Visit our website to learn more about our professional and accredited training courses.