Online RSA Course: Getting Your Competency Card Timeframe | Edway

How Soon Can I Get My Competency Card After Completing Online RSA Course?

How Soon Can I Get My Competency Card After Completing Online RSA Course

There is little doubt that the internet has made things much easier for people to learn new things every day. For instance, you can now take several virtual classes that will qualify you for a job you are interested in. These days, you can get a competency card when you complete the online RSA course. But how long does one have to wait before receiving the important certification?

When Will I Get My Competency Card From Completing the Online RSA Course?

In Sydney and the rest of NSW, a valid NSW RSA Certificate is a mandatory legal requirement. It is applicable to licensees and staff who sell or serve liquor in establishments. These establishments are also expected to have the general, on-premises, late night and packaged liquor licenses. With that in mind, all people working in the industry are expected to get a competency card by completing an online RSA course or the face-to-face class.

Once you have completed your training, you will be given an RSA interim certificate. This will only be valid for 90 days after which you will be expected to have the competency card. It is important to remember that the card will not be given after you complete the online RSA course. Instead, you will need to apply for a RSA competency card on your own in the Service NSW centre.

Are you ready to get your competency card by completing the online RSA course? Edway Training offers Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol SITHFAB002 courses online and are currently accepting new students. Book now and be ready for an exciting new job ahead.


Please Note: We have a maximum of 10 students per class and practising social distancing requirements of students being no closer than 1.5 metres from each other. Please refer to Edway COVID Action Plan which can be found on our website.