RSA Training Before Working at a Bar in Sydney | Edway Training

Here’s Why You Need RSA Training Before Working At A Bar In Sydney

Why you Need RSA Training Before Working at a Bar

Being a bartender sounds like a cool and exciting job for anyone who wants to earn and enjoy the nightlife. However, there are also certain requirements if you are going to work in an establishment that serves alcohol. The most important requirement is completing RSA Training. Here’s why you need to take the proper course before working at a bar in Sydney.

What is RSA Training?

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) Training is also known as the NSW RSA course. It is designed to teach participants the skills and knowledge required in maintaining a safe workplace while selling alcohol.

So what does one learn during RSA Training? The course covers several alcohol-related topics including facts about the liquor industry and alcohol. You will also learn about intoxication and strategies for responsible service of alcohol. Moreover, participants learn about the proper refusal of service and underage drinking at a bar in Sydney or anywhere in NSW.

What Happens After I Finish RSA Training?

Once you have completed the course, you will be provided with the NSW RSA Interim Certificate. This serves as your proof that you have completed your training and that you are ready for the job ahead. The certificate must be on your person when you start working at a bar in Sydney.

Are you ready to take RSA Training? Make sure you’re getting it from the best available provider. Edway Training offers Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol SITHFAB002 in Darlinghurst, Seven Hills, and Mona Vale NSW. Book now and get your dream job at a bar in Sydney today.


Please Note: We have a maximum of 10 students per class and practising social distancing requirements of students being no closer than 1.5 metres from each other. Please refer to Edway COVID Action Plan which can be found on our website.